System 2000X - Access Control
Many Owners require access controlled (card reader, etc) doors throughout their facility. These doors may also need to have shared control with a central control room via touchscreen or panel. Status identified the need for a fully integrated Access Control/HMI system to simplify and enhance the product and interface between users, PLC, touchscreen and database.
The System 2000X Access Control module utilizes a combined database of users, control officers, general staff and maintenance personnel. Individual account definitions allow administrators to specify access rights for both operator log-on and access cards using this common database. Industry standard access control concepts of user rights, permissions, groups, schedules, etc are used. A single list / database of users, combined security access and exception reports, single point of entry/maintenance for users, groups, permissions, passwords, schedules, log-ins etc.
The benefits for system integration and hardware maintenance are also extensive:
- The reader interface is industry standard Weigand protocol, supporting virtually any brand or form of device input.
- Reader interface is available on the market - not soul source to a single contractor.
- Wiring is simple single twister pair from interface board in a star topology.
- Interface boards can be mounted in a rack, adjacent to the door, or in any other convenient location.
- Separate PLC input and PLC outputs are not required to interface, but rather all communications are via API in the HMI servers.
- Redundancy is fully supported.
- The system can be distributed over Ethernet, fiber, and all other networks.
- Communications are fully secure.
- Cost per reader is substantially less than traditional access control systems.
- Protocol and interface is not proprietary to the contractor or integration supplier.